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Thursday, March 21, 2013

I went to Las Vegas last weekend with my daughter and her kids to watch my granddaughter play soccer. It was so nice, the weather was perfect. It was about 85 degrees. Here are a couple of pictures of my cute grandkids and daughter. Lets just hope the weather here in Utah gets nice soon!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Wood Crates & Shed lights

What started out like this
turned into this 
and this!
funnels that will be used for lights

My son and grandson spray painting parts soon to be my lights in my shed

more painting

lets keep the hair out of the paint [ha ha]

more parts

My son Terry gave me some wood crates. I have made quite a few things with them. It's been fun to take them apart and see what to do with them. Also heres a couple of pictures of my son Jason spray painting some funnels that he is making into lights for my Shed.{Really cool lights}. Also my grandson [his son] is helping him. Can't wait until the shed is done. And I'm betting my son will too.